Death lurked in every hallway, with hell sitting at a dark door. Approached at the end of a long matted rug, there was a musty odor that reeked through the divided floorboards. The door stood behind seven different locks paired with variations of keys and codes. You could feel anger and emotion that was compelled […]

The novel Nineteen Eighty- Four George Orwell informs his readers of what the future holds for us with our world becoming almost as corrupt as he has described in the novel through distinct power, control, and manipulation. As readers, we became aware of Orwell’s attention towards what he had suggested would happen further throughout the […]

Identify a warning that George Orwell issues to us via his novel nineteen eighty-four – support your answer. An issue that Orwell issues to us via the novel nineteen eighty-four is the control people can gain over an individual. In the novel, we experience how restricted people were to their own freedom, with the society […]

I have been placed in this beautiful place expected to succeed, fulfil my dreams and become a better person then what I was yesterday. This morning I woke up to take a seat and listen to my expectations being lowered, dreams being narrowed and watch my mindset negatively change and somewhere in the middle i […]

Hello and welcome to your personal online journal. This platform has been created to enhance and enrich your learning at Mount Aspiring College. Its purpose is to provide you with an audience for your work (or work-in-progress) and you have the choice (by altering the ‘visibility’ of your posts) of whether your work on here […]