I have been placed in this beautiful place expected to succeed, fulfil my dreams and become a better person then what I was yesterday. This morning I woke up to take a seat and listen to my expectations being lowered, dreams being narrowed and watch my mindset negatively change and somewhere in the middle i have found the school system I love it. Students are given one path to walk to succes swimming upstream following holding hand in hand with the other students, I love it. Across from the one path we walk together are millions of others stepping stones which none connect to the path we are forced to walk students never finding their gifts believing they are dumb because they struggle to walk the same path feeling useless, I love it. We praise the school for murdering our creativity and individuality because this is the way forward in our society now. Dividing us into into two groups the overachievers and the rest of us where the overachievers are pushed to achieve more while they rest are left to sit and watch because it is become unacceptable to do otherwise, I love it. I am proud of what the school has come to be, testing students to compete for an E which is a letter that defines our personal qualities following tradition of the past 50 years, i love it. Watching the world progress we need students who think positively, creatively, innovatively, critically, independently, with the ability to connect. But the school is well ahead of where they future is heading producing students with low self esteem,being shaped and defined where the only option is to do what your told because all your opinions have been removed, I love it. Teachers are producing success treating our students  like cookie cutters with a mindset that one size fits all. Teachers are given a key, a key to students hearts and allow them to truly live. Teachers are heroes that often get blamed for being obsessed over NCEA test created by government or policy makers most that have never thought a day in their life, makes sense right. We are no longer defined by our morals or beliefs our values or work ethic, we are defined by our results that determine our success, i love it. We now have the faith in school but still no faith in people because that is overrated right. Our future is defined when choosing our subjects because we want to follow our passion but unless that is taking all sciences and top math and english classes we are seen as a ‘dropout’ usually that wouldn’t matter but because we have came so known to what other people think we are pressured into undertaking passions were not passionate about, i love it. It is crazy to think that overseas in some places like finland they have shorter school days the teachers have decent wage homework is non- existence and they work on collaboration instead of competition you would find it hard to believe that their educational system out performs every country, I love it. Although students may be only 30% of the population they are 100% of my future so we continue to sit here and let the school system overrule what’s important to fulfilling our world with success inspiration were i believe it could be something other, i love it.

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